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QR Codes and Groupings

How To Create Equipment Codes in Taliho

Taliho’s Equipment Codes are specifically designed to tag and manage project equipment, making them valuable for building owners, maintenance teams, and facility managers. These dynamic codes ensure relevant data is available and up-to-date.

Step 1: Select a Project

  • From the Company Dashboard, choose the project to which the Equipment Codes will be linked.

Step 2: Open the Equipment Codes Module

  • Go to the Project Dashboard and select the “Equipment Codes” module.

  • Any existing Equipment Codes will appear here. Click the “Create” button to start the process.

A view of a project's dashboard, with four module options on the left: Quick Codes, QR Arrangements, Equipment Codes (highlighted in yellow), and Drawing Codes. On the right panel, there is a heading that reads 'Equipment Codes' with a 'Create' button to its right, followed by a table listing all existing equipment codes with following columns: Name, Date Created, Codes, Scans, and Options.
A project dashboard with the equipment codes module selected.

Step 3: Choose a Creation Method

A pop-up modal with a heading 'Create Equipment Group' followed by a choice of 'Simple Sequence,' 'Upload CSV Template,' and 'Cut & Paste.' The form has 'Simple Sequence' selected, and four more fields: 'Group Name,' 'ID,' 'Quantity,' and 'Specification Section (Optional)'. There is also a gray Cancel button and a yellow Create button in the bottom right corner of the modal.
The pop-up modal to create a new equipment group using the Simple Sequence option.
  • In the “Create Equipment Group” pop-up, you’ll see three options for generating Equipment Codes. Select the one that best fits your needs:

Simple Sequence

Ideal for generating sequential labels (e.g., HP-1 through HP-50) for equipment like heat pumps.

  • Enter the “Group Name” (e.g., “Heat Pumps”) to classify the equipment group.

  • Enter the “ID” prefix, such as “HP.”

  • Specify the “Quantity” of codes you need. Taliho will count up from 1 to the specified number.

  • (Optional) Enter details in the “Specification” section, if applicable.

  • Click “Create.” Taliho will generate the codes and redirect you to the Populate page for further customization.

Upload CSV Template

Best for large quantities or complex labels with unique identifiers.

A pop-up modal with a heading 'Create Equipment Group' followed by a choice of 'Simple Sequence,' 'Upload CSV Template,' and 'Cut & Paste.' The form has 'Upload CSV Template' selected. There is an text input field labelled 'Group Name' with some placeholder text. Below the input field, there is a drag-and-drop area with a dashed border, with the text 'Drag and Drop completed template here' and a blue button with the text 'or Browse Files.' There is also a gray Cancel button and a yellow Create button in the bottom right corner of the modal.
The pop-up modal to create a new equipment group using the CSV Template option.
  • Click “Download Template” to obtain the “Taliho-CSV-Template.csv” file.

  • Enter your labels into the downloaded template, then save it.

  • Drag and drop the template into the upload area or click “Browse Files” to select it manually.

  • Click “Create.” Taliho will process the file and redirect you to the Populate page for managing your codes.

Cut & Paste

Suitable for medium-sized label sets copied from Excel or Word.

A pop-up modal with a heading 'Create Equipment Group' followed by a choice of 'Simple Sequence,' 'Upload CSV Template,' and 'Cut & Paste.' The form has 'Cut & Paste' selected. There is an text input field labelled 'Group Name' with some placeholder text. Below the input field, there is a text box with placeholder text containing instructions. There is also a gray Cancel button and a yellow Create button in the bottom right corner of the modal.
The pop-up modal to create a new equipment group using the Cut & Paste option.
  • Paste the equipment tags directly into the provided text area, ensuring one label per line and a maximum of 30 characters per line.

  • Click “Create.” Taliho will process the entries and redirect you to the Populate page.

Step 4: Note on Labeling Rules

  • Labels over 30 characters will be truncated

  • Cut & Paste conflicts will be highlighted in red to ease identification.

  • The Cut & Paste method will display an on-screen warning to alert you about any lines exceeding the character limit.

Once created, Equipment Codes can be managed from the Populate page, allowing you to keep equipment information organized and accessible for all stakeholders.

Create QR Arrangement